The VERY Basics part 1...Create a Blog

Everything comes to the Basics!Create a Blog
First thing!
Create a blog or a website!
What is the difference between blog and website?
I am not a programmer or an HTLM expert.I guess that you are not too,otherwise you wont be reading this!lol.For me a website is like a catalogue or a brochure where you show to your customers your background and what you can offer,etc whereas in a blog you can tell to your readers or visitors about anything that cross into your mind,and these readers can in turn interact back by leaving comments,sending you emails,etc.The beauty of blogging is that you can turn these readers into your customers without making them to spend a dime!Hope you will be my next one!and hope that you will make your own clients as quickly as possible!
Your next questions is How do we make a blog or a website without spending anything?
It is one of the easiest thing and no programming skill whatsoever required.In few steps
you can create a blog on
or a website on
OK!a lot of us says that you must have your own .com or .net or any.. then you can succeed!No wonder it helps but eey!we are not that rich or otherwise we will be on Wall street and not here!lol.We will try to keep it simple and No investment.
What to do with the blog we created?
Sit down regularly and post your content and views.Thats what i am doing
Basically so long you respect the policy of the blogging site,you can write about anything from your dog to your
Where is the money in all of this?
Well,the blog or a website you created is not just about your blabla what you wrote.It can also be used as way for the company who will pay you for advertisement or referal to identify you and send you your money!$$$$$
But where do they send the money,money,money?
See you in The VERY Basics part 2

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