One of the easiest ways to make money online is composing texts. Depending on your skills and your proficiency in the language and your profile, you can turn out with a decent income every month. Some are making quite some money with this business. Here are some questions that you should take into account before embarking into this lucretius home base business.
What do I write about?
Well basically you write about anything that crosses into your mind so long that your ideas are coherent. This means from gardening to astronomy. The option is huge. Actually” Paid to write” business on the net is mainly divided into 3 fields. The first one is about writing articles or blog posts on different topics. These articles can be used on your own blog to drive traffic to your blog but can also be sold on the internet. The second one is about writing reviews on different products or services which you are accustomed to or which you get to know after a bit of research on the net. The third one is about writing comments on different blogs.
Where do I sell my articles?
There are different sites that will buy your reviews and articles. Here are the latest lists where you can sell your articles.
For product reviews
For articles selling
How much do I earn for my articles?
Well you can earn from zero to up to 500 USD and this depends on the how much your writing will attract readers. Zero is because your essays will not be accepted for publishing because of different reasons for example not unique contents, grammatical errors, or simply nobody is interested on the subjects. However you should know that there are 2 main ways that you will receive your money when your article is accepted. The first one is that the site who buys your articles will pay you directly when your articles are published or sold .the other one depends on how much traffic your article generates and based on the number of clicks on advertisement on the sites showing your articles, you earned a percentage of the profit generated.
So get down to your pen and paper (we don’t need this nowadays), and start writing. Do your own research and be careful don’t sign up on any program without reading their agreements. The list is not exhaustive.And remember that on some sites you can keep a right on your articles. Until next time, take care