If you are considering to make money from your blog or website ,which i am sure you want to,there are several options:
1. Get someone or some company to put their advertisements on your site!Like the small white space on the right sidebar with "Advertise Here, Contact us!"Basically.they are renting a small place on your site and you will deal directly with them concerning your fees.But you should know that it is not easy to find this kind of sponsors unless you have a site with a big traffic.
2.Contextual Advertising..by service providers like Google Adsense,Adbrite etc..What is it?These service providers will scan your blog or website and will put there advertisement that is relevant to your website.When your viewers click on these advertisement,you get cash!Definitely the best service providers with huge amount of advertisement is Google Adsense but there are a lot of ther service providers.
The list below might help you
Exit Junction
Yahoo Publisher Network
This list is not exhaustive,there are many more service providers but you dont need to register in all of them because you will not have enough space on your pages to display their ads.Moreover,some might not agree so much that you use other service providers.So before getting banned from your favourite service providers,its better to stick to one or two of them and not more.But again you need traffic to your site to make real money.You might wonder why i do not have any Google ads on this page!we will tell you later.
3.Through Affiliate Programs
The concept is simple!you send your visitor or readers to a site through a link!Once these visitors or readers buy some thing,you get some percentage.How does it work?Simply register to any of the affiliate programs you are interested with,keeping relevance to your site.Once you are accepted,you can used banners or links of the products you decided to promote which can be posted on your site.Not all the affiliate programs will accept you but there are enough on the net that you can find from cosmetic products to airline companies
4.Through Referals
Again like Affiliate Programs,you will send your readers or visitors through banners or link but here they dont have to buy anything,but only register to some sites.Where do you send them?You already made me rich if you have used the Link for AlertPayin the previous posting.If you have not opened your Internet account until now,use this link AlertPayto do so!You can get as much as 10USD for referals
a) Gomez Peer
This is a quite interesting site!Here,you just sit down and get paid..Yes it is possible.You can get cash for every minute your computer is connected to their server.And you also get paid directly to your paypal account if you refer people to Gomez Peer.The current payment is as such
Online Time Payments (per day) $0.10
Processing Time Payments (per min.) $0.0005
Referral Bonus (per Active Referral) $1.00
Min. Monthly Payment $5.00
Max. Earnings per month $45.00
So give it a try !register and download the software at Gomez Peer but remember that your account must be active so that you can receive payments.
b) PTC
What is this? PTC stands for Pay To Click.
Any Sit down and get paid mode.Just click on some advertisement and you get paid not only for your clicks but also for your referals.
Here,you have to be very careful because there are a lot of scams on the net!In other words,they will never pay you.So dont jump and register on any PTC.Do your research on the net and find out in various forums what people are saying about a particular PTC sites.Here is a list of some PTC sites which people are saying to be good
iv) fusion mails
We will stop here for today,otherwise it will be to much but please let us know how are doing with your new business
Who will pay you?
5:47 AM